SAFHER project updates

Thank you for visiting us in Grand Rapids!

June 21, 2024
Hello SAFHER Community, 

The SAFHER team is excited to share the great turnout at all of our AFDO Annual Educational Conference events! We are so grateful for the support we received during our SAFHER sessions, and for the participants at the AEC who could join us in Grand Rapids this year. 

At the Adapt and Thrive: Cultivating Change Management Concepts workshop on Sunday, June 9, there were 34 participants who learned how to lead and implement change techniques for their teams. At the SAFHER booth, the team had more than 50 people stop by and learn more about the SAFHER project. 
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During the SAFHER breakfast on Monday, June 10, 39 attendees experienced a demonstration of the SAFHER system. The team also held 13 individual state demonstrations for the SAFHER system. 
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The states the SAFHER team was able to meet with face-to-face were enthusiastic about SAFHER’s current development and what SAFHER can already do. This feedback tells us that SAFHER is heading in the right direction, and we are excited to show more of what it can do soon. 

Until next week,

Kellie P. Isaac
SAFHER Director